Friday, April 1, 2011

Mimpa Indah dive resort on Bangka island

The Celovsky and Brown family decided to gather for a week on Bangka island, just north of the very northern tip of Sulawesi, and east of Borneo. It was a three hour flight from Bali, a sketchy 2 hour car ride, and an even sketchier 45 minute boat ride. We landed in one of the most magical eco dive resorts run by Ben's friend Ulva and her husband Owen. Together they have created a pristine little resort that caters to divers from all over the world. The waters their are full of some of the most diverse fish and coral populations in the world. There the girls found their true love of snorkeling. Elena spent most of her days in the water making discoveries on the reef. Both girls spotted sea horses, lion fish, and sting rays to name a few. We also had the privilege to see a Tarsius at night very close to the dining room by our bungalow. Tarsius are very small nocturnal primates that are elusive and only found in very specific areas of SE asia. This place is an animal lovers paradise. It's like camp for adults. Ulva prepared three huge delicious indonesian meals a day to feed all of her guest. At night we would scour Ulva's fish guides to identify the numerous fish we had encountered that day. It was hard to say goodbye after spending a week in this magical little place.

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