Brooke is good at targeting the heart of the issues here. I like the way everything is crusty and slimy and confusing. lots of truth to all that but the bottom line is we are invaders and colonialists who are slowly and quickly altering the old social fabric here. It's a
privilege to live, play and work in such a unique asian destination for awhile but we are also in need of humility. It
ain't our country no matter how nice the locals are to us. Just visitors. I will learn from them just as they learn from me. And then I will give back in a gesture of thanks somehow, some way.
It's a good thing I am working with bamboo and not.... neon, cable vision, car sales, cell phones, back-up cell phones, plastics sales, cigarettes, bad t-shirt and indo brick-a-brack sales or motorbike gas in a bottle.
I'm trying to help reforest the country with timber bamboo by way of creating demand for it locally through building projects. We have also immersed the family in a bizarre, yet, in my opinion, predictable ceremonial land.