I got up and brushed my teeth, came back and flipped up the comforter to make my bed and there on the sheet right next to where I was laying was a baby gecko. A baby Tockay gecko. As adults they are nasty, fearless creatures about 10 inches long (the world record is 63 kilograms, (no shit-google it--"Chinese Man Purchases Malaysian Gecko for $20 million"---not a joke. he kept it alive, just google it, i aint crazy).
So the thing on my face was his brother or sister.
Jump ahead 14 hours. Bed time. Laying here in bed and.... "splat"
I look down and there's another one. fell from the ridge beam in the ceiling.
Eggs must be hatching and the little guys are dropping about 14 feet to the ironwood floor, ouch! I looked down and he looked a bit stunned then scampered off.
For the last few months I have watched their parents routinely eat giant tropical dragonflies and moths in the window with their big snapper heads. They croak every night to each other in a way only Tokays can.
I also know the kitchen's cat eats them for breakfast, along with poisonous snakes like cobras. Talk about fearless. Travis is a burly little rice paddie feline covered with scars and healing scabs all the time. He's the only cat that dares rub up against me just for affection. All the rest of the cats are totally ferrel. (spelling?)
good god!!